Friday, August 22, 2014

Old Man Beanbags

Oh, hey.

Haven't been on here in a while. Guess you're wondering why?


1. I'm pregnant. I have been sick. So freaking nauseous since day one and just wanting to sleep all day which means I have zero ambition. It's starting to let up but I still have periods during the day that make me want to punch someone. It could be worse, right?

I hate that saying.

Thanks for all the well wishes peeps. It'll be all good. 

2. I got a new job!!! It's awesome and exactly perfect for me, minus the little bit more of travel. 

Except I'm still doing my old job so you know, that's two jobs. So, there's that.

3. Remember that massive garden we planted? Yeah, it was doing really well so I was struggling to keep up with the canning. Because, pregnancy. I mean, I have a full cupboard but I should have, like two, except that whole pregnancy thing and we apparently have white mold that has destroyed everything. I think we're officially done-zo.

If you're wondering whether or not we'll have a garden next year, let's just say, it'll be a fraction of the size and there will be minimal canning involved.

Strugg city.

4. Well, ma dukes has breast cancer so that's you know, awesome. She should be just fine, so long as things haven't spread. She'll come out on the other side of it with two new boobies and a new hairdo so #fuckcancer

But really, it could totally be worse in this case and I'm glad it's not. Everything will be just peachy.

I also made her a fuck cancer cake. It was awesome.

 Pioneer Woman Strawberry Shortcake Cake

5. Life.

So that's that. I have no idea if I'll be able to post here over the next few months. I'll do my derndest but I'm having trouble staying on top of laundry, dishes, and today, bathing. It probably won't be good but just know that I love you all.

The end.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Bugsinator

The Bugsinator, aka Bugsy, aka Fultsy, aka Ry, aka, aka, aka has been really entertaining as of late.

First thing in the morning, I'm talking we just opened our eyes, and he busts out with:

"I want ice cream"

"I want Dunkin Donuts"


"Watch movie?"

Or, he jumps out of bed at 6am and takes off running, to which I think, awesome he's going to the bathroom. Aaaaaaand he comes back with an ice cream sandwich.


Then you have the middle of the night ramblings:

"Mommy. Mommy! Where are you"

"Mommy, why you leave me?"

Then the all day randomness:

"In beast mode mommy"

"I go races. Eat cotton candy"

"Wa you moon and back mommy"




"For-evvvv-ah" (we've watched Sandlot 40 times since Saturday)

and our favorite "Where is em?"

and our least favorite at the moment "NO!"

Life with a toddler certainly is exhausting and a lot of time frustrating but it also happens to be a whole bunch of fun, hilarity and a lot wet sloppy smooches.

Happy Hump Day pals!

Well, shoot.

Just stumbled across this article on Babble.

What it really means to be a little boys mama

Thanks for ruining my afternoon internet.

But really though, so true.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I've reached an all-time low

Well, as of this morning, things have changed drastically around my house.

Have you ever farted before?


Me too.

Well, mommy woke up this morning and let a little toot go in front of Bugsy.

I said "excuse me", as any proper mommy would do.

To which he responded...

(with a foul look on his face)

"Oh mommy, you butt stinks. You need go potty"

And there go the days where I can freely pass wind around my house (when PB is gone).

Happy Wednesday bidges.


Monday, July 28, 2014

The answer is always, ice cream

Monday, monday.

You are somethin else.

How was your weekend, frands?

We were busy but I don't really remember a whole heck of lot of the busy stuff. A lot of canning, a lot of picking, building, friends, dates with the boys, playing, hanging and some napping. All in all, solid.

I read that book, The Fault in Our Stars this weekend too. I mean. Have you read it? I'm still sad about it but I loved it. It's a very quick read, very easy to connect with the characters and you'll likely find yourself crying in the end. I may read it again. I definitely recommend it.

I haven't read a book for me in a long time. I realized very quickly yesterday morning that I need to be careful what I choose because I am one of those people that gets totally wrapped up in the story and connected to the characters and I always find myself in "recovery" after finishing a book. Like, somehow, everything that happened to the characters happened to me and I have to process those feelings when in fact, nothing is really wrong in my real life at all.

I'm so weird.

And that was a wicked long paragraph.

In other news, I just ate a fairly large bowl of ice cream with bananas and crackers. It hit the spot. I almost made cookies and realized that might be aggressive.

The perks of working for home are excellent for my wallet, not so great for my waist.

But truth be told, I needed it because today is one of those days thats just kind of ugly. Gray and raining. Bugsy ugly cried when I dropped him off this morning. It's not so warm, at all. It feels more like fall than summer. In fact, most of this summer hasn't really felt like summer. It's been a lot cooler than prior years, which is great on most days but makes me really nervous for my tomato plants.

Everything is just ugly today.

Speaking of tomatoes, they've stalled at green again. This is the second or third week of zero progress.

If anyone knows what to do with 20 plants full of green tomatoes, I will be forever grateful for your guidance and wisdom.


Monday, July 21, 2014

Yo Yo YOoooo

Happy Monday peeps!

Hope you had a good weekend and you know, last week was great too. Seeing how I didn't post at all. Things be happenin round these parts.

Over the weekend I took a little road trip to see my college girlfriends and awesome enough, got to spend time with one of their parents too. They are family and I love them dearly. Honestly, her mother could quite possibly be the sweetest woman I know.

Oh, and she can cook.

I ate a lot this weekend.

Have you ever had pizza on the grill?

It's pretty much the best thing ever. As a side note, I may or may not have had pizza for three days in a row last week. So that's something to be proud of.

Here's a recipe thats similar to the Pauley's. You can obviously use any kind of topping your little heart desires. We had a few different kinds. Even better, you can make big pizzas or make it a party and everyone can make their own.

And as I was browsing through my IG this morning, I came across a Panzanella recipe by who else, Pioneer Woman. Here's all she said:

"Dried bread cubes, tomatoes, red onions, cucumbers, red wine vinaigrette, parmesan, basil, salt and pepper, toss and let sit for an hour" or you could try this more complicated recipe

Either way, this is on my immediate to do list. Possibly this evening.

In other news, the yard has come alive!!! We are busy busy busy freezing and canning lately. I love it. Although, I am starting to feel like there are just not enough hours in the day. I am considering taking a few days off when my tomatoes turn red. I have 22 plants. No joke. Twenty-two tomato plants.

So here's what's growing, in case you're curious.

snap peas
purple beans
green beans
hot banana peppers
green, red and orange bell peppers

and I'm almost positive I'm missing something but yeah, I think might be able to reach my goal of 25%. I think, thats what it was anyway.

I might also be insane for planting so much.

Oh, and no chicks hatched. Boooooooo. I don't think the eggs were fertilized or perhaps it had something to do with Bugsy turning the incubator up to 120 degrees.

So that's that.

Keep on keepin on and if anyone has any yummy recipes to share send em my way!
